Monday, October 16, 2006

On your knees, suckers, and not to pray, either...

A well-put editorial from the Noo Joisey Star-Ledger:

"Never give a sucker an even break," W.C. Fields, the comical con man of so many old films, was famous for saying. He'd be right at home in the Bush White House.

It must be hard for experienced con artists to feel anything but contempt for the suckers, or the marks as they're known on the street. Indeed, even onlookers feel little sympathy for marks, many of whom, maybe most, get scammed because they're promised something they shouldn't have in the first place.

What the evangelicals wanted from the Bushies was the power to impose a theology-driven order on government policy and the people it hires and appoints. What Rove wanted was to turn evangelical churches across the country into Republican ward clubs. It was the ultimate church-state roll in the hay.

Looks like the christofascists got rolled by experts while trying to steamroll the rest of us. Good. No sympathy here.

Kuo's book couldn't have arrived at the worse time for Bush and the GOP -- on the heels of the Foley-congressional page scandal. One of the aftershocks of the Foley affair is the revelation that homosexuals come in several varieties -- Republican as well as Democrat, probably independents and libertarians, too. Homosexuals have served on the GOP congressional staff, the Bush Cabinet departments downtown, even the White House.

All this comes after a year in which Republicans on Capitol Hill have been caught in the Abramoff lobbying scandal, former GOP House leader Tom DeLay being indicted and forced to resign, and Republican Congressmen Bob Ney and Duke Cunningham have been convicted on corruption charges. Evangelicals must be wondering how they ever fell in with such bad companions.

That's easy: The Devil, in the guise of a phony savior, offered 'em dominion over the beasts of the earth - those of us who don't buy their immoral, intolerant, phony small-c christian bullshit. They fell for it and sold their souls to Beelzebush.

Now they're pissed off and want 'em back. Not because they think they were wrong about the twisted way they think, not because they were used, Hell, they begged for it, but because their Repuglican false idols didn't pay off on the deal and laughed at 'em to boot!

Who's laughin' now, dipshits? We've known that you were being used for years. There is great joy in seeing you finally figure out that the ones who were gonna help you fuck us made you catch instead of pitch. Har-dee-fuckin'-har, assholes!

They shouldn't feel too bad, however. They're not alone. "There's a sucker born every minute," as the master entrepreneur P.T. Barnum discovered long ago. He'd have been a star in the Bush White House.

The other half of that quote is "...and one more born to pick him".

You phony christians got conned by experts and now you know it. Shit, you oughta be used to it: Falwell, Robertson, Dobson et al been doin' it for years.

"As ye sow, so shall ye reap" is just another way of saying "What goes around, comes around". Your karma done slapped ya upside the head on its return trip, didn't it?

To quote a friend of mine: "Idiots, morons, and fools. Go back to church and stay out of politics."

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