Monday, October 16, 2006

Ugh ...

In less than an hour, I have to face the reality of going to work after 3 weeks off. I know, you feel sorry for me ... not. Hell, even I don't feel sorry for me. I had a great vacation and it's about time I became a productive member of society again, though I'm not looking forward to hear people whining about their cars.

That said, I'd like to thank Gord for keeping a lid on this place, AOB for her compelling posts, and Nina for her excellent commentary while I was goofing off. Good job, guys. Thanks again.

Now, it's time for a good laugh. I laugh at all you stupid Jesus freaks. Out loud, rolling on the floor, laughing my hairy white ass off. Know why? Because we (the entire left side of the blogosphere) told you years ago that you were being used. That you were gullible fools who were too blinded by God to question the Rethugs' motives. They kissed your ass and you loved the feeling. Idiots. How's it feel?

How's it feel to know the Rethugs think the same way about you as I do?

In his book, Kuo wrote that White House staffers would roll their eyes at evangelicals, calling them "nuts" and "goofy."

Thing is, I'll say it to your face. Thing is, I won't use you to achieve my ends while giving you cheap lip service. I'll continue to tell you I don't want you in government and to shove your stupid anti-gay, anti-choice, faith-based rhetoric up your collective ass. In short, you will always know where you stand with me.

Specifically, Kuo says people in the White House political affairs office referred to Pat Robertson as "insane," Jerry Falwell as "ridiculous," and that James Dobson "had to be controlled." And President Bush, he writes, talked about his compassion agenda, but never really fought for it.

How's it feel to be fucked without a kiss? Let me ask something. Do you folks fall for those Nigerian lottery scams too?

But Kuo says the so-called compassion agenda has fallen short of its promise and he blames President Bush for that in his new book. As correspondent Lesley Stahl reports, he also says the White House was a place that cynically used religion for political ends and that White House aides ridiculed the very Christian leaders who helped bring Mr. Bush to office.

How does it feel to know your foolishness, your blind support for criminals, helped get us 9/11, the Iraq War, record deficits, pedophiles and perverts in Congress, and the loss of our credibility in the international arena? You compromised Jesus' teachings and what you know is right for a little political capital that you'll never see, never be able to use, because Bush never had any intention of giving it up. Jesus weeps, Satan laughs, and I'll see you all in Hell.

Idiots, morons, and fools. Go back to church and stay out of politics.

(All quotes courtesy of Crooks and Liars)

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