Thursday, October 12, 2006

Post this or it's a time-out for you, little mister...

I'm posting this at the request of An Angry Old Broad because her Blogger is committing lewd and hilarious acts on the pre-moistened south end of a north-bound monkey today. Nothin' wrong with her e-mail, though. Besides, it's good. Also, if Mom ain't happy, ain't nobody happy! I don't wanna hafta go sit in the corner...

First, see the video of Mike Malloy taking on a wingnut jackass on MSNBC. AOB's comments:

Air America did a dumb thing dumping Mike. He's a tad more to the left than your standard TV lefty, he makes some people on our side cringe, but I think that's why I like him. Getting too comfy with your beliefs is never a good thing. Mike's a good egg, he's pretty much a "what you see is what you get" kind of guy. He's far left but not crazy ass far left. Oh, and BushFlash is a good site. Eric's an ok guy, I disagree with him on some issues, but he has a pretty cool video and media stash worth checking out.

A heads up also: In a couple of weeks,once I'm done with some home projects and dealing with kiddo's school issues,I'll be putting up a couple of Living Democracy posts Below the Fold, one about food, one about education. I'm also going to be starting a series on the AOB blog called Growing Up Amway, about my parents' 3 decades long relationship to Amway, how that plays into religion and politics, the stuff I saw growing up (Rich DeVos,one of the company's founders actually came to our house a couple times when I was a kid.Our home was an Amway "social hub" there for awhile, I was privvy to alot of stuff), and try to weave this in with my relationship to my insane family. The only reason I think I got out of that madness with some integrity in tact was my Dad's mom being such a big part of my life when I was a kid. My sibs didn't get that interaction, and it's the only thing I can think of that saved me from losing it entirely. Perhaps the subtitle should be "why the political is personal", lol. It'll be long, rambly and windy, just like me, so it should go on my blog I think.

Alrighty then,I must get to it around here. And coffee,

Back to Moi. Mom's blog is An Angry Old Broad.

Can I go out and play now? I had a buncha coffee too, and I need to go mark the Repug campaign signs on the neighbors' lawns*...

*I'm lyin'. There aren't any. I'll find something to pee on...

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