Thursday, October 12, 2006

Top Ten GOP Excuses Regarding Iraq Casualty Statistics

From Balloon Juice:

At any rate, rather than sit back and wait for the inevitable bullshit to fly, let's help them out. With that in mind, here are the top ten GOP excuses for an estimate of a half million+ dead Iraqis:

10. At least when we kill civilians, it is an accident. Saddam intentionally killed civilians.

9. No one could have predicted there would be civilian casualties.

8. We tried to come up with a plan to win this war without killing civilians, but obstructionist Democrats made it too hard.

7. How many innocent civilians did FDR and Truman kill? (Excuse used partially used with a reference to Nagasaki and Hiroshima.)

6. Why all the fuss? The Iraqi people can 'tolerate' a few dead. (Excuse actually used by Bush in his presser.)

5. Freedom isn't Free. Freedom is messy.

4. Better to have collateral damage over there than to have it over here.

3. The terrorists don't care if they kill innocent civilians.

2. Brian Ross and the media have known people are dying in Iraq for a long while. Why did they wait until right before an election to tell us? (Excuse actually used here at Red State)

1. Epidemiologists?!? What the hell do skin doctors know about waging war? (Excuse partially used here: "So somewhere between 8 and 194 thousand, good lord I hope I never get treated by one of these quacks.")

Feel free to add your own in the comments (and if you have links to these made-up excuses being actually used, please forward them).

At the time of my posting, there were 122 comments. Take a guess what the first one is! Some are funny, some are most decidedly not.

Here are just a few:

These civilian deaths were caused by foreign countries attempting to make the United States look bad

"The methodology of the study has been, you know, pretty well, you know, dis ... you know, credited ... and that's why I am taking a minimum of several years to come up with our own estimates on this, you know, figure, which will be something to be dealt with, you know, by a future, you know, president."

It wasn't reported by Fox News

"If they don't like it, they should get off our oil."

Imagine the outrage on the right if it was "600,000 aborted festuses"

Go see. Tell us your favorites.

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