Friday, April 20, 2007

Bush is losin' it...

Actually, he lost it a long time ago, but it's starting to show in public big time.


Strange things sometimes come out of President Bush's mouth. "Polls just go poof." "Remember the rug?"

When Bush went to Ohio on Thursday to talk about terrorism, he ended up musing about marriage and chicken-plucking plants, the agony of death and his Oval Office rug, which resembles a sunburst.

Maybe the president just felt like jabbering at the town hall-style event in Tipp City, Ohio. He began talking about terrorism and ended 90 minutes later after chattering about everything from life after the White House to Vietnam War and the brutal Khmer Rouge regime.

Well, wet brain will do that to a guy. I think perhaps the Chimp is not a 'dry' drunk any more.

The last time a truly drug-addled sociopath got himself put in charge of a nation, in the 1930s, the world caught fire and damn near burned down.

Bush has put it well along the way to happening again. Get the matches away from him. He has to go. Soonest.

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