Friday, April 20, 2007

Turdblossom says Bush's War was Osama's Idea

Think Progress

On a visit to Ohio yesterday, White House senior political adviser Karl Rove claimed he never wanted the war in Iraq:

"I wish the war were over," Rove said. "I wish the war never existed... History has given us a challenge."

History shows Rove was exceptionally eager in 2002 for the upcoming Iraq war, anxious to reap what he viewed would be the political gains for conservatives leading another military conflict:

Rove also claimed yesterday that it was bin Laden, not President Bush, who decided to launch the Iraq war:

In a question-and-answer period after his speech, Rove was asked whose idea it was to start a pre-emptive war in Iraq.

"I think it was Osama bin Laden's," Rove replied.

I don't doubt it a bit. Given the long-standing family relationship between the Bushes and bin Ladens, it's entirely possible that Osama had a hand in it. Al Qaeda loves Bush's War, has prospered greatly because of it, and wants it to go on forever. Bush agrees.

I think Bush family interests have profited greatly as well. On their level, it's win-win and fuck the stupid proles who die for their bottom line.

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