Thursday, April 19, 2007

FBI Raids Doolittle's Home

Yahoo! News

WASHINGTON - FBI agents have searched the home of Republican Rep. John Doolittle, who is under scrutiny over his ties to convicted GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff, Doolittle's attorney said Wednesday.

The search last Friday focused on records of Sierra Dominion Financial Solutions Inc., a company run by Doolittle's wife, Julie, said attorney David Barger. Julie Doolittle was on retainer for Abramoff from 2002-2004 for event-planning work.

The search of Doolittle's home in Oakton, Va., occurred the same day that Kevin Ring, a former Doolittle aide who went on to work for Abramoff, abruptly resigned his law firm job without explanation.

Rep. Doolittle is not only my congresscritter (CA-04), but perhaps the most aptly named member of Congress.

He was closely associated with Abramoff, Cunningham, etc., in various nefarious deals, but the one that chaps my ass the most is his support of what amounts to slave labor in the Northern Mariana Islands.

In last November's election, he came the closest to getting beat, by Charlie Brown, than he has in his 16-year reign term. Almost gettin' chucked off the Gravy Express scared the crap out of him, and I've been bombarded with mailers from him ever since saying how he thinks he needs to bring his thinking more in line with his constituents. He's actually been showing up in various places for public meetings. He was in my town a coupla weeks ago, which is unheard of except for fundraising events. I didn't go, because my questions for him would have been of the "still beatin' yer wife?" variety and I didn't want to see a headline like "Local Democrat Yahoo Heckles Upstanding Public Servant".

Rep. Doolittle could use some 'quiet time' to think things over. A coupla years in a Federal pen would work fine.

The better news is that Charlie Brown is still at it in this longest ever election year, and Dump Doolittle is still up and running. Next time.

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