Thursday, April 19, 2007

To Davy Jones' Locker With 'Em!

I'm sorta in a nautical frame of mind lately. I guess it's because Fixer has been posting all the pictures of ships and tropical islands. It helps that he left me the keys to the stash.

Raw Story

Conservative commentator Robert Novak writes that while many on the right view White House adviser Karl Rove as their "Captain Ahab," a number of liberals refer to him as "evil incarnate."

I heartily concur with the "evil incarnate" part, but - Captain Ahab? Since I sort of remember Gregory Peck as Ahab last seen getting the deep six whilst foul-lined to the whale, that piqued my interest, so I wiki'd him up. Wikipedia would be as good as Classics Illustrated if it had pictures! (Note to youngsters: Classics Illustrated was how we did book reports when I was in school. We didn't have Cliff's Notes.)

But I digress. Here's what they had to say:

Ahab is the tyrannical captain of the Pequod who is driven by a monomaniacal desire to kill Moby-Dick, the whale to whom he lost his leg. Ahab believes he is fated to kill Moby-Dick, and lives for this purpose alone. Ahab's name comes directly from the Bible. When Ishmael first encounters the name he responds "When that wicked king was slain, the dogs, did they not lick his blood?" (Moby-Dick, Chapter 16) The character Elijah (the namesake of the Biblical prophet, Elijah, who portends Ahab's fate) warns Ishmael and Queequeg that by signing on to Ahab's ship they have effectively signed away their souls. Ahab ultimately dies over his obsession to kill Moby-Dick.

If we let our minds wander a little after a big suck o' spliff, we can see the White House as Pequod, the Repuglicant Party as the white whale, and permanent one-party rule as Rove's obsession.

Now Novak's comment makes sense. In his megalomania, Rove is taking the Repugs, bereft of souls and firmly tied to his ass, to the bottom of the ocean. I wish them a speedy and painful descent, but a soft landing. In a big pile of whale shit.

Ain't litrachur wunnerful?

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