Thursday, April 19, 2007

Maturity? Or is it...Senility?

The American Prospect

Remember last week, when David Brooks suggested that though John McCain was completely wrong on Iraq, his campaign would be revived as Americans understood how much more serious he was about Middle East politics than the other candidates? "In 10 months," wrote Brooks, "this election won't be about the surge, it will be about the hydra-headed crisis roiling the Middle East. The candidate who is the most substantive, most mature and most consistent will begin to look more attractive and more necessary."

Anyway, here's the substantive and mature candidate himself, reworking the Beach Boys' song "Barbara Ann" to go, "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran..."

Go watch the video and read the comments.

Note to Senator McCain: go on home, buddy, and spend your days rockin' on the porch and lookin' at the beautiful Arizona scenery. Your race is run and you lost it by shooting your own horse.

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