Thursday, April 19, 2007

Box me up...

From Agence France Press via Raw Story

An Australian scientist called Wednesday for an end to the age-old tradition of cremation, saying the practice contributed to global warming.

Harumph! There goes this old man's ideal send-off of being launched out the harbor in a flaming Viking ship. Another dream shot all to Hell by reality.

Professor Roger Short said people could instead choose to help the environment after death by being buried in a cardboard box under a tree.

Since a lot of us Olde Fartes are gonna be living in cardboard boxes anyway, it will be an easy transition from under a bridge to under a tree. We won't even have to change clothes.

I understand the science here, but I think it's pickin' the flyshit outta the pepper. Any guilt I might have for desecrating the environment for future generations by my choice of passage to the whatever is just liable to die with me. I'll let ya know.

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