Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I am calling for a moratorium on discussing the wider political implications of the Virgina Tech massacre. Now is not the time to do anything except express shock and condolences. Bush and McCain among others were disgraceful yesterday for bring 2nd Amendment issues into this. There are 32 sets of parents out there who are grieving. There are a couple of dozen others who are waiting to hear just how heavily their kids will suffer for the rest of their lives from this. And their is unimaginable psychological damage to the rest of the students and faculty. Among others, survivor guilt is a very real thing.

Let's just agree to send our good thoughts to those involved and let this thing cool down before we say much else. I don't excercise any hope that the press has the good sense to do the same, they will probably be knocking on doors today.

My heart goes out to all involved, especially the parents of the gunman. I've lost a kid, I can't imagine how much is added to the weight of that by knowing that the kid you lost caused death and pain of so many others. This truly is a time for healing.


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