Monday, April 16, 2007


I'm listening to the talking heads discussing the Virginia Tech shootings. All I'm hearing is "biggest massacre in U. S, history". I've heard that phrase several times. No adjective or modifier other than "biggest".


I call your attention, and the short attention spans of most everyone else, to Sand Creek and Wounded Knee, just to name a couple. Guess who perpetrated those mass murders?

Shootings are bad but hyperbole for the sake of sensationalism may be worse. Get your facts straight, newsreaders.


I've got MSNBC on in the background and I swear I just heard this:

"We haven't had this many people killed in one incident since 9/11. This was a terrorist attack!"

Jesus m********in' Christ! Where do they get these guys? I guess they gotta go with idiots who are waitin' by the phone and available on 'short notice' aka they ain't got a job. Probably dressed and ready to go and rarin' to get on TV with their

Why don't they let the cops get a little further towards the bottom of the incident? Why do they have to waste valuable airtime that could be put to better use exposing 'loyal Bushies'? Why go all 24/7 with useless speculation before the facts - any facts - are available? Ah, they don' need no stinkin' facts...they got commercials to sell.

I get so sick of this shit sometimes.

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