Thursday, May 10, 2007

Bye-bye, 'George'

Will Durst

Even though this honorable moniker stands as a symbol of our country's birthing struggle due to the father of our nation wrestling its honor from the crazed clutches of King George III, parents must be having second, third and no thoughts whatsoever about naming their kids George lest it be seen as a tacit approval of the ways and means of the current administration. Hell, I bet the names Mothra, Dweezil, and Philomena get better placement in the baby name books than George and/or Georgette over the next couple of decades. Wouldn't be surprised to hear Prince George, British Columbia attempts to change its handle to Margaritaville.

He goes on to say that 'George' may soon join 'Adolf' and 'Attila' on the list of names folks don't name their kids any more. Not just because of Bush either, but mostly. For some reason, he left out 'Cain' and 'Ananais'. Must not be religious.

Funny shit. Please go read the rest.

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