Thursday, May 10, 2007

Woodshed Time for the Chimp

Truthout, video from Keith Olbermann and two articles:

In a sign of the growing fissure between the White House and its congressional allies over the war, NBC News reports tonight that 11 Republican members of Congress pleaded yesterday with President Bush and his senior aides to change course in Iraq.

'Pleaded'? They need to grab him by the stackin' swivel and shake him like a rat. The first words out of their mouths should be "listen up, asshole".

One said "My district is prepared for defeat. We need candor, we need honesty, Mr. President." The president responded, "I don't want to pass this off to another president. I don't want to pass this off, particularly, to a Democratic president," underscoring he understood how serious the situation was.

Participants in the Tuesday meeting between Mr. Bush, senior administration officials and 11 members of a moderate bloc of House Republicans said the lawmakers were unusually candid with the president, telling him that public support for the war was crumbling in their swing districts.

There's the rub. I'm glad these Repugs finally had a 'moment of prayer' with Bush, but it pisses me off a little. They didn't go to see him because this criminal war is all wrong or because he has run it so badly that it has wrecked the military, divided the country, spent us into the poorhouse for generations, wrecked our standing all over the world, and shed oceans of blood unnecessarily.

Basically, they told him to let the generals do his lying for him because they're afraid they won't get re-elected. They don't deserve to be re-elected and I hope they aren't. This is a welcome thing they did and I hope it has an effect, but it's years too late.

I hope the Repugs in Congress come to the realization that their best chance for re-election lies in impeaching Bush and Cheney and stopping this imperialistic occupation. It wouldn't hurt if they strung up a buncha neocons, neither.

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