Sunday, June 10, 2007

Chickenhawks in training ...

Seems the progeny of the Mittster have their own blog. Via Res at Dr. Attaturk's place we get this:


Five Brothers was launched on April 12, and the Romneys post entries, load photos and videos several times a week. The blog is edited by the campaign communications staff, and comments and questions are allowed, though answers are not guaranteed.

A query such as, "Being a Mormon, does Romney campaign on Sunday?" gets a reply -- yes, Romney tries to make it -- while something like, "Have any of the five Romney brothers, all healthy heterosexuals well under 42, considered volunteering for military service in the Global War on Terror?" is ignored. [my ems]


But of course. It is because the children of our 'ruling elite' only know how to send other people's children to war. I'm still waiting for Jenna and Not Jenna to do something to support the troops. At the very least, do some work for the USO, for crying out loud.

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