Sunday, June 10, 2007

Screwing NOLA ...

And everybody thought it was over. Our pal Scout Prime:


Then on to the post by Matt at Fix the Pumps for details. First he states..."The report is stunning in its breadth and depth. Things are way worse than I knew. [...] The amount of crap this investigation uncovered is breathtaking." Matt then details what is wrong with the pumps among other things. There is this regarding what has been known...


Thanks to cronyism and corruption, NOLA is just a pump failure away from flooding again.


This story is just not going away, as much as elements of ACE would like it too. It shouldn't. If the pumps fail, New Orleans floods.Yet as with too many NOLA stories it is not being heard.


Either through design or incompetence, the NOLA story has fallen off the radar (the way the Bush family wants it to, by the way). Scout is doing a masterful job documenting this atrocity and it would behoove you to scroll through the posts over at First Draft and get a sense of what's been done to these poor people. And then write some letters.

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