Friday, June 29, 2007

I dunno ...

It just seems to me these London bomb scares aren't what they are supposed to be. The little voice in my head (no, not that one) is telling me this has the CIA's or MI-5's fingerprints all over it. I have no evidence, mind you, but I've been around.

After what they pulled off in the tube a few years back, if these car bombs were intended to explode, they would have.

Just a gut feeling ...


Larisa Alexandrovna has a voice too, I see:

Okay, I know that a faux bomb threat of huge nonsensical scope was reportedly about to take down all of London, but here is the real news - in cased you missed it for lack of coverage an op-ed in NYT, by Richard Butler:


To use a tired old blogism, read the whole article.

Update (Saturday morning):

Larisa expands on the London car bomb hype:


Let's be very clear right off the bat here. Al Qaeda has become the garbage can title for every act of violence and terrorism imaginable. And more importantly, that fear concept has clouded the judgment of reporters and apparently police alike:


So on one side, I am left with a hysterical, emotionally charged and ethically bankrupt media and on the other side, I am left with a public convinced that either UK or US authorities tried to bomb London. This is the insanity we live in and it is astonishing to me just how insidious these two world views have penetrated our culture. Either fear or paranoia, but reason no longer rules the day.


She is correct. My comment from her page:

After 6 years of Chimp/Cheney and their manipulation of Tony Blair, I put nothing past them, especially not when a week of bad news for the White House just concludes. Remember the security level increases before the '04 elections? Remember all those inept 'jihadis' from the Fort Dix bunch to the Florida potheads they bust when things go south somewhere else? I don't believe the White House has reached its low point yet.

While I'll concede you're probably right about the Russians or the Saudis, if it does turn out to be the Saudis, I wouldn't be surprised to hear about U.S involvement behind the scenes.

I wish a day would come when I can trust my government to tell the truth. I'm tired of being lied to.

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