Friday, June 29, 2007

Light Blogging Today

I finally got my new digitizing turntable hooked up and my furniture problems as to where to put it so it's close to the computer kinda semi-solved, so today I'm playing with it and trying to figure out how to work it. So far so good. It records to the 'puter just fine, but I have to watch the LP because I can't hear it! I don't know if it's supposed to be like that or if I'm missing something, but I can live with it. I guess if I hooked it up to an amplifier I could play music through speakers, but that ain't the way it is. Once it digitizates, it plays back off the 'puter just fine.

For you technos out there, the software is Cakewalk Pyro 5.

Since I can't leave my revered Brainers in the dark as to what's goin' on, here it is in a nutshell:

Repugs BAD, Dems better.


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