Tuesday, June 26, 2007

It's not working ...

A number of senior Sunni tribal leaders are among 12 people killed in a suicide bombing at a hotel in central Baghdad.

"According to initial reports, six sheikhs are among the dead," Lieutenant Colonel Scott Bleichwehl said.

The Sunni leaders, from Anbar province, were meeting at the hotel and were the target of the attack, police said.


The Beeb.

Not just any hotel, mind you. This sucker is in the Green Zone, the most fortified patch of dirt in Iraq.

This guy drove through 2 checkpoints, parked his car, and then walked through another checkpoint to have his person searched. After that, he managed to calmly walk across the lobby to where the Sunni leaders were meeting before detonating himself.

So, tell me how, 4 years after 'Mission Accomplished', this guy got through all that security with a bomb vest? Of course it was an inside job and of course Iraqi security has been compromised.

The 'surge' isn't working, the occupation isn't working, and the only thing that is working is the insurgency, be it al Qaeda or homegrown groups. We can't win and the only thing we can do is get the fuck out.

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