Tuesday, June 26, 2007

You ain't got the balls ...

Dear Dems,

I've been hoping you'd make a difference. I've been hoping since November. Know what? You all suck. Stop the whining and do something. I listened to you all on the talk shows this weekend, explaining how it is so difficult to rein in the President because you don't have enough votes to override a veto.

That's horseshit. It doesn't matter if Bush vetoes it all.

Listen to me, idiots. The fact you got the bills to the President's desk is enough to show the American people that you're actually trying to do something. That you're actually listening to us. You remember us, the folks who put you there in the first place?

None of you have come out and said, "George Bush and Dick Cheney have turned this country into a tinhorn dictatorhip". All of you who voted for this war because you saw it as a chance to finally grow some nuts are desperately trying to cover yourselves. Grow some today. Go before the people and say you made a mistake for whatever reason. Come clean. You'll feel better and then we can move on.

Or is it that you just don't get it? Do you think this 'collegial relationship' you have with your Republican counterparts is a good thing and you fear upsetting the apple cart? Take a page from the Korean Legislature, throw some punches. This won't wait until January 2009; our nation doesn't have the time. Get off your collective ass and call this situation what it is. At least you'll be on the record on the side of America.

There should be no compromise on Iraq, unless you have some sort of vested interest in our troops staying there. I certainly hope you're not making money off this war like Cheney. There should be no compromise on the U.S. Attorney matter and the subpoenas arising from it. In case you haven't realized yet, 'compromise' with the White House means giving them exactly what they want. (A hint: Google 'Neville Chamberlain' and 'Munich Pact')

It's time to say no. It's time to put a stop to this before we reach a point from where we can never recover. Grow some balls for crying out loud.



PS: I'm going to work now so I can pay the taxes that pay your salaries. So far, I feel like my money is being flushed down the toilet.

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