Thursday, August 2, 2007

Arrested Demonstrators Awarded $1 Million


WASHINGTON -- Protesters arrested during a rally five years ago were awarded $1 million on Wednesday.

In September 2002, 100 people who marched on D.C. to protest the war in Iraq and World Bank policies. They were arrested. They later sued, claiming their arrests were unlawful.

A judge agreed.

Since the incident, the D.C. Council has enacted legislation clarifying that it is legal to parade on the street without a permit.

Constitution 1, Bush 0. 'Bout fuckin' time.

A million bucks split a hundred ways, less lawyer fees of course, ain't shit, but the principle is worth more than money.

The Constitution is the basic, most powerful document in the history of the world, but only if we keep our eyes on the ball and actually try to live by it as the law of the land. Otherwise, it's just 'a goddam piece of paper'. It has taken its lumps over time, particularly at the hands of Bush and his criminal cohort, but it will prevail.

In the meantime, I hope that judge enjoys his upcoming retirement. He stood up for the people's right to assemble and practice free speech, and he might have to pay a price for it.

He might not. This kind of decision on unlawful arrests of folks the Chimp doesn't want to hear seem to be starting to come thick and fast, like they should.

I took an oath once, a long time ago, to protect and defend the Constitution. I don't recall ever recanting on that oath or that there was a time limit when it would run out. I'm glad other people are remembering that they took the same oath. I wish more would.

[A big Brain thank you to Skippy and his readers stopping by. ~ F.]

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