Thursday, August 2, 2007

A seriously bad idea

Yahoo! News

A Republican-backed ballot proposal could split left-leaning California between the Democratic and GOP nominees, tilting the 2008 presidential election in favor of the Republicans.

California awards its cache of 55 electoral votes to the statewide winner in presidential elections — the largest single prize in the nation. But a prominent Republican lawyer wants to put a proposal on the ballot that would award the statewide winner only two electoral votes.

The rest would be distributed to the winning candidate in each of the state's congressional districts. In effect, that would create 53 races, each with one electoral vote up for grabs.

California has voted Democratic in the last four presidential elections. But the change — if it qualifies for one of two primary ballots next year and is approved by voters — would mean that a Republican would be positioned the following November to snatch 20 or more electoral votes in GOP-leaning districts.

That's a number equal to winning Ohio.

Democratic consultant Chris Lehane called the plan "an effort to rig the system in order to fix the election."

'Fixing the election' is something the Repuglicant crooks are good at, and it's their only chance of gaining anything in California.

Guv'nor Ah-nold thought he could cram his bullshit ideas down our throats by letting us vote on them, and he got his ass handed to him. Since then he's changed for the better.

I don't think this attempt is gonna fly either, even if it gets on the ballot, which I don't think it will. Even if it does, it will go the way of Ah-nold's proposals. The mistake this lawyer is making is trying to do it out in the open. Repugs don't do well in the light of day. They're a lot better at springing crap on us from the shadows with nobody finding out about it 'til it's too late.

When we lose elections because of the electoral system, I'm all for 'one man, one vote'. When we're about to win one because of it, I'm all for the electoral system. The Repugs are righter about 'winning is everything' now than ever before.

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