Wednesday, August 1, 2007

No vote for you!

[A big Alternate Brain welcome to Sideshow readers.]

Mr. "I'm able-bodied but can't fight in the war I helped start because my family can't be without me" Jonah Goldberg is at it again. This time he's all about denying stupid people the right to vote (doesn't he realize that would disqualify him as well?). Oliver Willis:


Golly gee whillikers, Mistah Goldberg, why don't we have tests at the polls here in America? Although, I seem to remember a historical precedent for just such a thing. Why did this noble experiment not continue through until the modern day? Let's go on to the Internets and check it out. Oooh, here we go Mister Goldberg, here's the historical precedent for your idiotic moronic stupid-ass idea the Los Angeles Times printed up in a newspaper they actually sold to people for actual federally-backed U.S. currency:


You know, I'm assuming (correct me if I'm wrong) by his last name that he's Jewish. There are a lot of Jewish folks who are enabling this administration. This perplexes me because they are enabling the same thinking that got 6 million of their brethren executed in Nazi Germany.

What will be next, Jonah? Purity tests to determine the percentage of "real American" in one's blood? Ideology tests to determine whether Americans are "thinking properly"?

My forebears did the same thing* to those who claim the Star of David as their icon. Those who failed the tests were taken away to be used as slaves or executed outright. What you propose to do to the poor, to the ethnic, was put into action during the Third Reich. Had they been successful, odds are, you wouldn't have been conceived, let alone make use of your family name to keep from living out a refrigerator box under a bridge.

Do you think the Rethugs would stop with the "illegals"? Do you think they'd stop with the blacks? They could bleach this nation of anyone with color, remove everyone who wasn't a "real American" and then you know who'd they'd blame for their troubles?


And then they'd begin to say what they did in Germany. When they find that no matter how many people you exclude, throw out, or "disappear", things still suck because it's not the people but the policy*, they will have to have someone else to blame.

And then they will come for you.

Jonah's LA Times column should be a warning to all Americans, illustrating what the Republican party is really about. They want Reich, and all the untermenschen to shut up, know their place, or get out. The problem for every American is that the term "untermenschen" is highly subjective.

One man's barbarian is another's oracle. Using Jonah's mindset, everyone is suspect. Everyone should open their eyes and realize the road built by Republicans is the Road to Hell.

*Updated links thanks to Avedon Carol.

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