Wednesday, August 1, 2007

That's it!

TRex figures out why the Rethugs are so scared of participating in a YouTube debate. It isn't so much that they are scared of facing the general public's questions (though I'm sure it's a big part of it), it's that they're afraid of letting America see who actually supports them:


Let’s get something straight here. The reason the Republicans are running from a YouTube debate has nothing to do with embarrassing themselves and everything to do with the horror that is the Republican base (see video above). Imagine a whole two hour debate composed entirely of questions from men lovingly cradling their assault rifles, matronly polyester-swathed frumps of much avoirdupois braying and squawking about abstinence-only education and the danger of Harry Potter in our schools, angry old men taking a break from standing on their porches shouting, “Get the hell out of my yard!” to stare Mike Gravel-like into the camera and demand to know what the candidates plan to do about “th’ dayumn Mexicans”.


They don't want the rest of the country to know what we in Left Blogtopia (y!sctp!) have known for years; that the true Republican base is made up of racists, bigots, fundamentalists, and nutcases.

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