Monday, November 12, 2007

American Terrorism ...

There's no such thing, right? I mean, Tim McVeigh was a dissident, right? The Anthrax Guy was just making a political statement, right? That guy they finally caught who bombed the Olympics and abortion clinics was just exercising his right to free speech, right?

Um, no:


But this shit is never called terrorism. Terrorism has been redefined by the Bush administration (and their cult of crusading neocon minions) to mean "swarthy Muslim people blowing up things we actually do or pretend to care about," to the exclusion of "white Christians threatening and intimidating people we don't really like, anyway, doing things with which we don't agree."


The 'War on Terror' starts at home. If some left-wing group would start advocating killing folks like Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and the TV preachers who rip off their congregations, they'd be wearing orange jumpsuits in Gitmo.

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