Monday, November 12, 2007

Little Dicks ...

Digby has an epiphany, though it's surprising it took her so long to realize it.


But what did surprise me --- and I guess I'm just a fool for not having realized it before --- is that so many of these men in the media seem to have such severe psychological issues in this sphere. Tucker and Matthews and many of their guests are personally offended that a woman would appeal directly to other women for votes, as if that's undemocratic and unfair. And they get extremely bent out of shape when their sexist attitudes are challenged.


Now, I'm not one to comment on manliness. Being a man, I feel pretty manly but my view is subjective. I do know one thing though, an intelligent, competent, independent, self-assured woman turns me on. I've probably said it before here, but one of the things I treasure most about Mrs. F is the fact she's wanted to be with me for the past 17 years, not because she needed to. Were I to be struck dead by a lightning bolt as I walk out the door this morning, she would go on, sad (I hope, heh ...) but she would not suffer financially or professionally.

I know a lot of guys who won't work for a female boss and who cannot deal with a woman who seems more educated, or has more common sense, than they do. It is somehow an affront to their masculinity. I also hear the words "stupid fucking cunt" a lot when describing self-assured women they come in contact with, the default position. As if the woman has some nerve actually knowing what she wants and making a decision without her man's (be it father, husband, boyfriend, son, or brother) input and approval.

Maybe it's feelings of inadequacy on the mens' part? I don't know because I've been accused (more than once) of having an ego that would make God insecure. Personally, I've worked for males and females and on balance, I'd rather work for a female. The women I've worked for always seemed more willing to differing points of view and weigh them more objectively than men.

Now, I work in a predominantly male profession but I'm sure it works the same way in the news media and in other businesses too. Mrs. F has been called a "castrating bitch" more times than I can count. I laugh, she wears it as a badge of honor to the point of having a "testicle collection" (a jar with alcohol and a few raisins) on display. The fact we have a competent woman (regardless of how you feel about Hillary, she wouldn't have made it so far professionally had she not been competent) running for the Presidency is doing the same thing to the "Old Boys Club" in the media women like my wife have done in their respective industries.

While Hillary isn't my first choice, it would be a breath of fresh air to have a woman running this country. It is long past due. Unfortunately, if she does win, she'll have to put up with all the little dicks who can't deal with such an affront to their "masculinity".

So, to all the men who have problems with women in positions of authority, I have a few words of advice: Grow the fuck up. It ain't the size of your cock that counts, it's how you use it.

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