Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Bye, Rudy ...

You lowlife piece of shit. This should be good:


The controversial publisher - who was canned by News Corp.'s HarperCollins last year after she championed O.J. Simpson's alleged tell-all "If I Did It" - filed an explosive $100 million lawsuit Tuesday in which she accused Rupert Murdoch's global empire of smearing her to protect Rudy Giuliani's presidential bid.

The fiery editrix came out swinging in a 70-page suit, alleging that a News Corp. executive asked her to withhold damaging information about disgraced former Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik that could sabotage Giuliani's campaign.


Remember, she and Bernie Kerik were fucking in a Ground Zero apartment (supposedly to be used as a rest area for the rescuers) as NYPD, NYFD, and PAPD were digging with their hands in the pit below them in an effort to find their comrades. Nothing like a woman scorned. Can't wait to see what comes out of this.

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