Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Homeland Insecurity ...

And we're worried about the Mexicans? You know, maybe I'd be a little more supportive of the government's efforts to curtail the flow of illegal immigrants into the country if one could assume Homeland Security could actually do the job right. I'm a lot less concerned about poor people coming here for a job (living in a mainly Latin neighborhood, I come in contact with a number of illegals, all of whom work like dogs to take care of their families) than I am with spies and operatives coming here (from places other than Latin America) and infiltrating our law enforcement and intelligence agencies:

A former FBI special agent and CIA analyst pleaded guilty Tuesday to using her database access privileges to search for information on relatives suspected of having ties to a reputed terrorist group, and who fraudulently obtained U.S. citizenship.

In federal court in Detroit Tuesday, Lebanese national Nada Nadim Prouty, 37, pleaded guilty to secretly obtaining information about ongoing FBI national security investigations. She is suspected of passing it on to relatives suspected of having ties to Hezbollah, a group that the U.S. government has classified as a foreign terrorist organization.


In an embarrassing twist, the investigation has also uncovered that Prouty fraudulently obtained U.S. citizenship, admitting in court documents that she paid a man to marry her in 1990 so she could obtain citizenship after her student visa expired.


This country is becoming a big fucking joke.

And an addendum: Growing up, I used to hear a lot of Polish jokes (this neighborhood was a mix of German, Italian, and Polish back then), basically referring to how the Poles weren't that bright. (How did the Polack break his arm raking leaves? He fell out of the tree.) I'm sure people throughout the world are telling 'American jokes' now.

Addendum again: And if we do want to stop the illegal immigrant problem from Latin America, we only have to do something very simple. Fine any employer who gets caught using illegal labor $1 million per illegal. How much you wanna bet the flow across our southern border turns to a trickle overnight?

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