Thursday, November 29, 2007

Great Googly Moogly ...

Watched parts of the Rethug debate last night and came away with this:

1. The 'compassionate' part of 'compassionate conservatism' is officially dead.

2. Anybody who takes this cast of weenies seriously needs to have their head examined.

3. Rudy and Romney are two little girls in man's clothing. Gotta be. (no offense to pre-pubescent girls intended)

4. John McCain realizes he's not as good a liar as the rest of them. Either that or he realizes he's in beginning-stage Alzheimer's.

5. I'm surprised they didn't bring an Arab virgin on stage, gang rape her, waterboard her, and then send her to Gitmo, just to prove once and for all which one of them was more 'manly'.

6. It was the biggest buncha hypocrites ever assembled.

7. Anyone who actually votes for one of these idiots is either insane, on drugs, or of diminished mental capacity.

And just this note:

Bill Clinton should shut the fuck up (so should Chris Matthews). Maybe Bill shoulda spent a little less time paling around with 41 and spoke up when the time was right, when we were the only small, faint voices screaming about the mistake of going into Iraq. His two cents could have made a difference in 2002. Saying what he did yesterday wasn't helpful and means shit now.

As for that moron, Matthews, can he show any more faux outrage over Clinton's remarks than he did last night? Jesus H. Christ, he was foaming at the mouth. Regardless of Clinton's comment (dumb as it was), it'd be nice if Ol' Chris coulda shown some outrage at the crap Bush has pulled over the years instead of offering up his doughy, quivering ass for the Chimp's amusement.

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