Thursday, November 29, 2007

Oil for food ...

Remember when this scandal hit the U.N.? When all the wingnuts were afroth about the "corruption at the U.N."? What begat Wolfowitz' appointment to head the World Bank (that's a whole other story)? Wonder why you don't hear about it anymore? Yeah, well it seems they indicted and convicted an American for his part in it.


But, but... I thought that Saddam Hussein was a terrorist, funding al-Qaeda, and plotting against the United States. Would trading with the enemy not be an act of treason?

Oh wait, he is a Texas oil-man, I get it. Because oil-men or Texas energy-men in particular seem to have a good deal of luck when it comes to the US justice system - that is, if they are prosecuted to begin with.


Heh ... Silly me.

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