Wednesday, November 14, 2007

So much for a nice safe job wipin' wings...

Stars and Stripes

Air Force to triple number of airmen helping Army, Marines in Iraq

BAGHDAD — More airmen will be doing soldier-type jobs in Iraq, and those that already are can expect to be deployed longer and more often than most in the Air Force.

The boost comes as the service continues to try and draw down the number of airmen in the ranks and many commands are struggling with smaller staffs.

Win-win! They can draw down the number of airmen to fill the self-drawing-down of the Army and Marine Corps! What 'troop shortage'? They got plenty of Airmen!

Working in an Army unit and within a different culture has been an adjustment for many of the airmen. Leadership style and living conditions are two of the biggest differences, Bosworth said.

“You’ve got airmen out there that are not used to getting screamed at by a command sergeant major,” he said.

Many of the initial differences have been smoothed out, however, and airmen are becoming accustomed to the environment.

Heh. It makes the Airmen sound like such delicate little things. Don't they have leather-lunged SMajes in the AF? I'll tell ya sometime how a Sergeant Major 'smoothes things out'! It ain't for the faint of heart!

Welcome to the military, Airmen. Sorry 'bout that...


If any of you Airmen out there get handed a funny-lookin' black plastic thingy that's wide at one end and skinny at the other, that's called a 'rifle'. The feed tray is on the bottom and is called a 'magazine'. Oh, and the 'keyboard' only has one button...

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