Thursday, November 15, 2007

A thousand words ...

Pic stolen from the Existentialist Cowboy. Click to embiggen.

I stole this pic from EC while reading his insightful post about the warnings being sent by Russia and China to the Chimp to change his plans regarding Iraq:


China, likewise, warned America's rogue psychopath. As if to underscore the point, a Chinese submarine popped up --undetected --in the middle of a Pacific Ocean exercise. The Sub was said to be "dangerously close" to the USS Kitty Hawk, having slipped past a US "shield" of a dozen warships and two US subs. US brass are "dumbfounded"!

We can only speculate about US ability to detect "subs". One would have assumed advances since the making of the early 90's film --"The Hunt for Red October". Even so -- that China has a sub that slips so effortlessly, silently past vaunted US detection technology confirms that the sub was of advanced design and equipped with advanced stealth technology. Just recently, in the comments section, I stated that China had the ability to put a nuclear sub undetected just off the US East Coast. China exceeded my prediction. I had not expected to be confirmed so quickly by events.


If China had other plans, Kitty Hawk Group would now be an artificial reef. My great concern is the idiots running the show over here won't grasp the magnitude of the demonstration. Maybe if they'd stop watching 24, they'd understand that others who have a vested interest in the Middle East will not sit by and let us act unilaterally. They will protect their national interests, regardless of ours. The fact the Chinese can sneak a sub into the middle of a U.S. carrier group makes my ass pucker. It says they can take out any of our naval assets in the Pacific at will.

We got big problems. Off to work ...

Addendum: In light of this revelation, what do you think the Chinese would do if we came to Taiwan's defense if they decided to push the issue over the "rogue province"?

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