Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Veteran suicide rate is twice that of non-veterans

Please go see this appalling piece at Raw Story, with links and a disturbing video from this morning's The Early Show:

The problem of suicide among veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan has recently been in the news, with the Department of Veteran Affairs promising to beef up its mental health services in response. Veterans of previous conflicts continue to have problems as well, and the VA has estimated that a total of 5000 suicides among veterans can be expected this year.

However, CBS News has now completed a five-month study of death records for 2004-05 which shows that the actual figures are "much higher" than those reported by the VA. Across the total US veteran population of 25 million, CBS found that suicide rates were more than twice as high as for non-veterans (according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide accounted for 32,439 deaths in 2004).

I have no doubt that somewhere in the bowels of this administration someone is thinking, if not saying, that "there's another Vet we don't have to provide services for".

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