Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Veterans Guest House

Most evenings, we watch KOLO News out of Reno to get the weather forecast and to see what criminals might be fleeing in our direction. Last night they did a piece on the Veterans Guest House near the Reno VA Hospital.

Their site wouldn't let me copy anything so you'll have to go see for yourself, but this is a smokin' good thing. Also see their blog.

The Reno VA Hospital serves northern Nevada and the rural eastern Sierra Nevada. Vets come from an amazingly large area to get outpatient treatment, and the Veterans Guest House has as one of its stated objectives that these Vets and their families won't have to sleep in their cars in the VA parking lot for weeks at a time. Not everyone can afford a motel room for an extended stay.

I'm glad someone thought enough to start up this Guest House. If the government can't or won't provide basic living amenities for Vets undergoing treatment, it falls to us to support those who do.

I'm going to send these folks some money. See if there's a similar facility near you and consider doing the same.

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