Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Jewish Messiah, A Novel

After reading this review, I don't want to pass this one up!

Xavier is undaunted. He has found his people and his calling: "He had to comfort the Jews." He falls madly in love with blithe Awromele, who arranges an "illegal circumcision" so that Xavier can fully claim his "Jewishness." The mohel, or circumciser, turns out to be nearly blind and, in gory slapstick scenes, botches the operation. After dragging his mauled self home, Xavier nearly dies, thanks to his wacko mother's refusal to help him. When she and her dimwitted boyfriend, who lusts after Xavier, finally bring the mutilated teenager to the hospital, it's too late to save his left testicle. But no matter, Xavier keeps it in a jar and names it King David. He also becomes famous as the good people of Basel rise up and punish the poor schlub of a mohel in an anti-Semitic frenzy. Xavier takes up painting -- creating portraits of his neurotic, coldhearted mother holding his testicle -- and fantasizes about how he and Awromele can run away together and proceed with their project to translate "Mein Kampf" into Yiddish.

How d'ya say 'ouch' in Yiddish? Oy...

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