Tuesday, January 22, 2008

'Recycling' keeps Bush and Cheney out of jail. They hope.


The White House didn't deliberately destroy e-mails it was supposed to keep, insisted spokesman Tony Fratto. The e-mails were inadvertently destroyed when the tapes storing them were overwritten.

The White House, not known for its environmental consciousness, was simply recycling the backup tapes, he said.

Yeah, right, and my ass sucks buttermilk too.

Never mind at least two federal statutes that require the preservation of presidential communications, including e-mails.

The Bush White House, after all, has never considered itself bound by the law.

Laws requiring preservation of White House communication are designed to ensure a more complete and accurate retelling of history.

That appears to be exactly what the Bush White House has been striving mightily to prevent.

These e-mails may never be able to be recovered. But Congress should conduct a full investigation to ensure that future administrations realize the law cannot be ignored without consequence.

The hell with future administrations! This administration is the one that needs to be in prison.

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