Tuesday, January 22, 2008

You’re Going Straight to Hell!

Go see the video and read the 'comments'! Liquid alert! At Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian.

Betty and Jesus have just recorded their first music video — “You’re Going Straight to Hell!” This splendid song was written almost as much as a clarion call to those about to make a much-deserved descent as it was to provide a fabulous occasion to gloat.

A coupla sample comments:

My fellow prunes here at Mossy Oaks Maximum Security Christian Retirement Center loved your new video! Most of them feel they are already in hell, so going to the real deal would be a step up.

I imagine for Ann Coulter it will be sitting in a no-smoking room for eternity with a carton of Marlboros, a picture of Brad Pitt nude, and various other things she’s not allowed to suck on.

A Righteous Response from America’s Best Christian:

As an American Christian, I am called on by the Lord Jesus to always be on the lookout for new ways to wring a few more dollars out of His holy name. As such, I appreciate your suggestion, dear.

I couldn't make this shit up, but I'm glad someone is!

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