Friday, February 8, 2008

Female Lieberman

Dianne Feinstein is proving, almost daily, that she's the female version of Joe Lieberman. Maybe she should put an 'I' behind her name like he did too? Our pal Ted, blogging at Creature's place:


The Senate Judiciary Committee has scheduled a hearing for February 12th on the nomination of Richard Honaker to the federal district court in Wyoming, a hearing that Senator Feinstein (D-CA) will chair. Throughout his career, Mr. Honaker has actively worked to undermine a woman's right to choose. [em in original]


You know she'll vote for confirmation, regardless of what we say. She hasn't yet met a Bush appointee she didn't like. As Ted points out, the judgeships Bush has filled will remain as his stain on our discourse long after the little bastid is gone.


We may get rid of Dubyah and Darth on 1/20/09, but their right wing judicial appointees will chip away our personal freedoms for many years.


The best we can do is bombard Feinstein with emails and letters and hopefully she'll come around.

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