Friday, February 8, 2008

It is to laugh ...

Watching the Freeper faithful freak out:

"I’m sick."

"We have been abandoned by our party."

'There'll now be two RATS on the ballot I receive in November.I don't vote for RATS...EVER! Not even when they call themselves Republicans.So I guess I'll write in Romney's name...or Thompson's...or mine."

"So sick over this. The GOP is stuck on stupid. I am just disgusted."

"Romney's campaign dies, while the un-dead cadaver candidate shuffles forward in a fog of senility and betrayal toward epic general-election blow-out." [My favorite, BTW. - F.]

"I just had a daydream. Huckabee was on the phone with Thompson. Thomson said yes to the VP slot."


"The GOP left me! I will NEVER support the GOP again! Good riddance!"

"The Manchurian Candidate never gets my vote. Never."

"This is a nightmare."

"I will not be listening to Rush for a very long time. He could have helped Romney so much."

"Where’s that picture of the crying Frenchmen as Hitler’s tanks were storming in?"

Been a long time coming. Pass the popcorn. Extra butter if you please.


Had to get this in before I left for work. Turkana:

I've been saying for some time that the Republican race would come down to McCain and Huckabee. A big chunk of the Party base hates them both. Now, those lucky Republicans get to decide which they hate more.


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