Friday, March 7, 2008

I'm pissed! And it ain't just me...

I've been trying to stay out of the Hillary/Obama deal, but Senator Clinton is starting to righteously piss me off. Her desperate tactics are filthy and despicable. Character assassination as temper tantrum is not helping the effort.

1) Hillary Lieberman Clinton sided with McCain over Obama. My God Almighty! Has she lost her fuckin' mind?

2) Her stooge Wolfson invoking Obama as Ken Starr. That's a fuckin' minefield fulla exploding dog shit! Yeah, blowed-up and stinkin' is my idea of a day at the beach!

3) It's lookin' like the Clinton campaign actually did the Canuckistan NAFTA-gate deal themselves and some clown in the PM's office tried to pin it on Obama. It looks as well like it's backfiring right in her face.

4) The Rovian 3AM fearmongering. What a buncha shit. The White House operator who actually answers the phone will notify her supervisor who will call everybody on Earth to try to find somebody who can make the decision and has balls enough to actually wake the President. 3 AM? Shit, the way that joint works, the news'll probably get to the Prez during his, yes, it's lookin' like his is going to be the right word, second cup of coffee anyway. Just how fuckin' scared and stupid do you think we are anyway? Put it on hold, sister.

5) Making Obama blacker in an ad. That's just scummy racism. Clinton should just plain know better than that.

6) Claiming the delegates from MI and FL as-is. Go read what Brother Jack says about this one. This is a pistol and a 'must read'. Read the 'comments' too:

If Hillary Gets To Claim Michigan And Florida, Denver Will Burn

I'm gonna say this much. If she gets to claim those delegates as-is, it's over. If its thug politics you want, then that's cool, just let me know, because I can bring out the thug. You want to destroy my candidate with dirty politics? Fine. You want to hide behind "35 years of experience," go ahead.

But you do not get to fuck with my vote. Ya hear me!? YOU DO NOT.

I ain't the only one who's pissed-off.

C'mon Hil, knock off the cheap shit while we've still got an opposition party to try to get rid of the damn criminals in high office! Better yet, concede now. Too bad about yer supposed 'entitlement' to the Oval Office not workin' out as easy as it was supposed to, but it ain't about you, ya Sacred Cow, it's about whatever future this country's still got.

I will vote for Hillary in the increasingly unlikely event she gets the nomination, but now I will have to hold my nose.

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