Friday, March 7, 2008

L'il Fat Denny's Seat...

Tony Peyser

A Talking Points Memo headline says, "Can The GOP Hold Onto Hastert's Old Seat?" Feel free to come up with your own scurrilous, off-color, innuendo-ridden punchline.

Well now, there's a 'Bleach Alert' if ever there was one! Never content to leave well enough alone, I ran across a map of IL-14. I was struck by two things - 1) It looks just like the county I live in, except they got I-39 instead of the spine of the Sierra Nevada, and 2) Anybody who can't make a, er, limp attempt at their own scurrilous, off-color, innuendo-ridden punchline AKA 'cheap joke' ain't tryin'!

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