Monday, May 12, 2008

Distance ...

For the last few months, since the Chimp's ratings have gone totally into the dumper, all the Rethugs are trying to distance themselves from his ass. Even McCain. Thing is, all they're doing is talking a good line. Seems the leadership thinks another four years of Chimpishness is a good thing:

Bless his little heart, let’s have House Minority Whip Roy Blunt on every week to talk up John McCain’s candidacy! Talk about living within a bubble, Blunt thinks nothing of touting the McSame presidency as a Bush third term, despite the record disapproval rating for the man and the vast majority of the country believing that the country is going in the wrong direction under his leadership. Apparently, Blunt didn’t get the memo that McCain is trying to distance himself from Bush and as Rep. Chris Van Hollen points out, on the two most important issues to the American people, McCain absolutely equals Bush. And Roy, that’s not such a good thing.


Go read the transcript of Wolfie interviewing Roy Blunt.

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