Monday, May 12, 2008

Haven't we been down this road ...

A couple years ago?

There was something interesting missing from Maj. Gen. Kevin Bergner's introductory remarks to journalists at his regular news briefing in Baghdad on Wednesday: the word "Iran," or any form of it. It was especially striking as Bergner, the U.S. military spokesman here, announced the extraordinary list of weapons and munitions that have been uncovered in recent weeks since fighting erupted between Iraqi and U.S. security forces and Shiite militiamen.


Didn't we 'capture' Iranian weapons in Iraq just before the last election?


Not once did Bergner point the finger at Iran for any of these weapons and munitions, which is a striking change from just a couple of weeks ago when U.S. military officials here and at the Pentagon were saying that caches found in Basra in particular had revealed Iranian-made arms manufactured as recently as this year. They say the majority of rockets being fired at U.S. bases, including Baghdad's Green Zone, are launched by militiamen receiving training, arms and other aid from Iran. [my em}


Once again, the facts don't support the propaganda. You know, at this point, even if we did get the truth from this administration we wouldn't notice in the sea of horseshit they've shoveled over the past 8 years.


Great thanks to our pal UL for the link.

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