Monday, May 19, 2008

The fake on the lake

The claim that John McCain is a man of the people
Is hooey that's too much to take
Let's just say that this boast at the end of the day
Is as fake as his artificial lake.

Tony Peyser

Real people who fish don't have private artificial lakes on their 10-acre estates. Real people don't have lakes built for them on their estates. That's left to the elites and the modern day aristocrats. But guess who else has built their own lake to go fishing? John McCain's bff (butt effin' friend? - G) George Bush:

Now, I know the traveling press corps wouldn't ever equate McCain with being rich or elitist. That might make him mad and no one who spends time around McCain wants to evoke his out-of-control temper. And, we know the press types like getting invited to the private estate in Sedona for barbecues.

McCain and Cindy are very, very, very rich people. Very rich. When you own nine homes (or is it ten?), you're among the elite, no matter how you cut it. [...]

A coupla 'comments' from the above article;

Sedona, by the way, is considered the cosmic center of the universe for old school new-agers: chock full of "energy vortexes" and other unholy portals... a veritable playground for Satan-the-Trickster!

Just an aside: In the Navajo culture, and possibly that of the Yavapai folks around Sedona, 'Satan-the-trickster' is also called 'Coyote'. Very apt symbol for McCain. From 'Tricksters':

But Old Man Coyote shakes his head. "These are powerful songs. You can't mess around with these songs. If you want to dance, you're going to have to dance just like I tell you to dance."

"Well okay," them geese agree.

"Keep your eyes closed!" Coyote says, and he hits one of them geese with his sticks. "Wait, stop!" says Coyote. "This here geese opened his eyes and now he's dead! You'd better all keep your eyes closed."

But one old geese, he opens one eye just a peep, and now he sees what's goin' on. "Run away, brothers!" he cries, and off they go — but not before Old Man Coyote fills his belly real good.

"That was sure some good trick," says Coyote, and he goes along his way.

I get carried away sometimes and put things in odd places, but that's the best description of the Repug agenda I've seen in quite a while! Back on track now...

and we all know that the code word "elitist" when referring to African Americans means "uppity".

We just went through Sedona last year, it is rich people mostly. If you aren't, don't know how you survive there. There are rivers and streams there, it's beautiful with the red rock.

I love Sedona. It's a wonderful place to visit, lots to see and do in the area, but it is not exactly typical small-town America.

The 'New-Agers' are called 'Sedona Woo-Woos' by the locals. The locals who actually work in Sedona mostly can't afford to live there and live in Cottonwood and Camp Verde and commute.

I think it is the heighth of arrogance to have a private artificial lake in an arid area like that, which has been in a drought for years like most of the Southwest. It has to be kept filled or it would evaporate. The water could be used for better purposes in a region where residents have gravel for front yards, even paint it green sometimes, instead of lawns.

Just fer fun, go see what passes for a natural 'lake' in that part of Arizona. Heh.

Rich people think they can get away with anything because they can pay for it. Once they get in politics, they get away with all kinds of bizarre shit and make us pay for it after first making sure they're insulated from paying for anything that serves the greater good.

McCain a man of the people, my ass.

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