Monday, May 19, 2008

Pinball Wizard

A little different take on the the same subject as Fixer's post, i.e. our National Embarrassment.

ABC News

President Bush lectured the Arab world Sunday about everything from political repression to the denial of women's rights but ran into Palestinian complaints he is favoring Israel in stalled Mideast peace talks. "Freedom and peace are within your grasp," Bush said despite scant signs of progress.

BuzzFlash put it a little more succinctly:

"Bush Lectures Arab World on Political Reform." We're All Ears, George.

The deaf dumb and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball.

Go watch Bush in action just finding the pinball machine, my metaphor for 'couldn't find his ass with both hands' AKA 'running the country'. Thank God he didn't have a rubber hammer! He'da wrecked the joint!

Oops. He already did wreck the joint. My bad.

My most sincere apologies to Roger Daltrey and deaf dumb and blind kids.

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