Monday, May 5, 2008

Sorry ...

I wasn't around much yesterday. As you know, we're starting a remodel at the house and yesterday I was moving the heavy shit out of the 'work zone'. Demo starts the end of the week.

That and dad-in-law gave us a scare on Friday, blacking out at his kitchen table. Mrs. F got him to the hospital, thinking he might have had a stroke but, fortunately, they think his pacemaker fucked up. We're springing him this afternoon and he's gonna spend a couple days with us before he goes back home. Gotta get a guest room ready before I go to work. Oy!

Is it time for vacation yet? Heh ...

"Another vacation? You must be kidding me, dad!"

And an aside, the piece of furniture behind Shayna is the companion to the big one I moved yesterday. Later ...

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