Monday, May 5, 2008

They been doing it for 20 years ...

It's why I worry that McCain will end up winning in November. Greenwald:


With the help of a media enthralled to such shallow, easy-to-chatter-about attacks, they succeeded in electing a highly unpopular figure from a scandal-plagued, discredited party. And Republicans, with their media partners, have been using that depraved playbook ever since, and will continue to do so this year. For the 1988 election, Reagan's severe economic mismanagement, his disastrous foreign policy filled with savage covert wars, and widespread perceptions that top Reagan officials had blatantly lied about breaking the law were all just disappeared. Actual issues played virtually no role in George Bush the First's 40-state triumph.


As Glenn does so well, he highlights the similarities today with the election of 1988. The issues are not a concern for the Rethugs; it's all about the propaganda and the press is thoroughly in the tank for McCain. Wait until the Dems finally pick a candidate. The Rethug Noise Machine will kick into high gear and it will be 24/7 bash the Dem. I'm not looking forward to this at all.

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