Saturday, June 28, 2008

In defense of marriage ...

The other day I pointed you to Pam's place, noting that the people of Arizona don't want to define marriage as only between a man and woman. Seems a buncha conservatives think they should do it on the federal level to avoid all those messy "states' rights", except, of course, when those "states' rights" help the conservative cause. And guess who's sponsoring this great federal "defense of marriage"? Two of the pillars of "moral values" (you know, the kind the gays don't have):


But the funny part is looking over the list of the 10 original sponsors. Most of the names are predictable — Brownback and Inhofe, for example — but there are two others whose names stand out: Sens. David Vitter (R-La.) and Larry Craig (R-Idaho).


[Blink, blink]

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