Wednesday, June 25, 2008

McCain Alledgedly Assaulted Wheelchair-bound POW/MIA Advocate


On June 20, 1996, Senator John McCain allegedly assaulted a family member of a Vietnam War prisoner of war (POW) who was missing in action (MIA), as a group of about 15 family members of POW/MIAs watched in astonishment. Within about one month, five ethics complaints had been filed with the Senate Ethics Committee by five eyewitnesses. But the Senate Ethics Committee refused to investigate the matter.

"He went from a smiling, congenial, happy face to a beet red, totally enraged face in an instant," she said. "I have never seen a senator act in this way. We were all dumbfounded how this happened. He threw his arm up, and she goes flying and Jane [who was in a wheelchair] gets pushed aside as he brushes by her. All I see is people flying and I'm behind him [McCain]... This was assault."

You can read the rest, but I don't think we need this hothead for president.

I think the 'ethics' committee only investigates serious breaches of Senate 'ethics' such as not paying off on lobbyist bribes.

As far as treatment of wheelchair folks, my offer still stands to help Chuckie Krauthammer down the Capitol steps any time.

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