Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Waiting ...

I'm home today, waiting for my drywall delivery from Home Depot, and to pass the time, I'm yanking the old nails. This is, for me, the worst part of doing a remodel. So tell me, any readers who are professional carpenters, do you guys use plebes, the way I make Sam do all the shitty jobs in the shop, to do the mundane shit like pulling nails, or do you do it as you go along?

That said, Chris Dodd is still standing tall on FISA*. He was my choice to get the party's nom for President.


Since I'm here "twiddling my thumbs" (this crap just dragged itself up a flight of stairs and stacked itself) I took Deuddersun's advice and watched this video about how corrupt the Chimp's 'Justice' Department has become.

And just a response to Deuddersun's other bit of advice:

Why pull them at all? Just bang them in. who cares? The new drywall will cover them. Screws, now, those can either be reomoved or just broken off flush to the surface.


Do you think, anal German that I am, that I could sleep at night knowing I left a couple hunnert useless nails in? In 2 years, I'd be tearing everything down again just to get 'em out. Seriously.

*Link thanks to Mr. Philadelphia.

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